If like me you are a fan of the Dave Letterman show, you may be interested to learn that getting tickets to watch the show is not all that difficult.
Next time you’re in New York, head down to the Ed Sullivan theatre (it’s on Broadway at 53rd Street, just north of Times Square), and fill out an application form in the lobby for tickets. You’ll need a phone number where the producers can get a hold of you, which can be a hotel, and you’ll need some photo id. The producers say it is a lottery, and your chances of getting in are about 50-50. Personally I feel they say that so they can vet you on the spot, kind of like how bouncers say ‘it’s a private party tonight’ if they don’t like the look of you, but in any event those are pretty good odds.
Be prepared to answer the question ‘do you watch the show?’, and try to head down there on your very first day in the city. I went there on a Saturday morning and was able to get a ticket for the Monday afternoon taping.
It’s well worth it. Dave Letterman is a genius, and totally unique in television. Seeing him in person only reinforced my view.