Lots of people like to play tetris online – I know this for a fact. Free Tetris is a site we help support and its growth over the last few months has been phenomenal. Where are most of the Tetris players in the world? America. What kind of people like to play Tetris online the most? US office workers!
I know this because the other day I watched game players over the course of a few hours from 9am Eastern to about 5pm Pacific. The results were pretty clear. As soon as the office lights came on in the east, the play begins. The numbers grow until a peak around Noon when the West coast workers start their day. It’s clear a lot of people are skiving off work playing Tetris!
Anyway, if you fancy a free simple game of classic Tetris check out FreeTetris.org. No download is required, it’s all done brilliantly in flash by master games artist Paul Neave.
P.S. If I have time tomorrow I’ll try to create a little animation of the map of users as it sweeps across the continent.